Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Green Circumlocution

Several major consumer Household product cleaning manufacturers announced that they will disclose their product's ingredients. This announcement has been greeted positively by the environmental press but The Green Nose is totally convinced they have not gone far enough. One product component, fragrances, will remain a disclosure exception in order to maintain trade secret limited access requirements and vendor confidentiality agreements aka proprietary interests. Fragrance components will be available to review by a composite breakout of all the fragrance ingredients used in the respective companies cleaner lines.  

The Green Nose feels the indirectness of a composite fragrance(s) ingredient disclosure will contribute to the transparency concept but this seemingly pragmatic approach will make it altogether different from the directly expressed concept. 

For example, a fire warden has unfettered access to a similar composite listing from MSDS' for safety purposes. But if there is an event like a fire, how will the fire warden know which  fragrance drum might launch itself if in direct contact with flame, or create a hazard?

At the upcoming convention, Sustainable Fragrances 2009, the fragrance industry will view a demonstration by CleanGredients on the DfE module. This algorithm  will be the most comprehensive fragrance safety ingredient rating standard that will include the wisdom of RIFM data and EPA's environmental resources. Therefore, an ingredient disclosure in any format, should indicate if the material meets the new DfE standard.


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